I am trying to learn the encryption methods, and in my sample, I'm failing.. big time.
This is the code
The problem is a "java.security.InvalidKeyException: src.length=3 srcPos=0 dst.length=8 dstPos=0 length=8"
Here is the original code from this page: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/help-on-encryption-library-please.12638/#post-175924
I am having problems making sense of the code.
Key is a previous password that has been established.
This is the code
Log ("starting encryption")
Dim kg As KeyGenerator
Dim c As Cipher
Dim B64 As Base64
Dim Bconv As ByteConverter
Dim data(0) As Byte
Dim iv(0) As Byte
iv = Array As Byte(3,14,159,26,53,58,97,93) ' 16 bytes for AES
Log ("Completed dimming")
Log ("DES padded")
c.InitialisationVector = iv
Log ("IV initialised")
Log ("kg.initialized")
Log("Bconv.stringtobytes done")
data = Bconv.StringToBytes(str, "UTF-8")
Log ("Data to encrypt done")
Log (kg.Key)
data = c.Encrypt(data, kg.Key, False) '<---- Fails here
Log ("data encypted w/key")
The problem is a "java.security.InvalidKeyException: src.length=3 srcPos=0 dst.length=8 dstPos=0 length=8"
Here is the original code from this page: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/help-on-encryption-library-please.12638/#post-175924
Sub Encrypt(dataToEncrypt As String ) As String
Dim kg As KeyGenerator
Dim c As Cipher
Dim B64 As Base64
Dim bconv As ByteConverter
Dim data(0) As Byte
Dim iv(0) As Byte
iv = Array As Byte(211, 5, 233, 24, 55, 166, 7, 88) ' 16 bytes for AES
c.InitialisationVector = iv
data = Bconv.StringToBytes(dataToEncrypt, "ASCII")
data = c.Encrypt(data, kg.Key, True)
Return B64.EncodeBtoS(data, 0, data.Length)
I am having problems making sense of the code.
Key is a previous password that has been established.