Problem with SQLScrollViewMultiselect


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Just starting with b4a, so taking the above and modifying for my needs.

My problem is that the standard SQLScrollViewMultiselect when a row is selected it is highlighted.

Since making a number of changes to my program the row is no longer being highlighted. It is being selected just not highlighted.

I have spent quite a bit if time stepping through the original code then through mine, but just can't pickup where the problem is.

Would really appreciate some help.



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The problem is that you are calling SQLReadTable in Sub Activity_Create and also in Sub Activity_Resume, leading to two lots of labels overlaying each other on the Table panel.

You may not appreciate that Activity_Resume is called after Activity_Create.
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I suggest that you put a call to ClearAll at the start of SQLReadTable to ensure that Table has all its views cleared before populating it.
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