Bug? Problem with XmlLayoutBuilder on TabHost

Tommy h

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all,
I've found a workaround to manage edittext cursors color using XmlLayoutBuilder,
but I've a problem using it on tabhost control when not in first page.
Seems that XmlLayoutBuilder.GetView can't find the view.
Attached Here a sample to reproduce the issue, in Form2 LoadXmlLayout.GetView doesn't work and crash,
but inverting AddTab lines
TabHost1.AddTab("Articoli", "Layout")
TabHost1.AddTab("Testata", "LayoutNoTab")
TabHost1.AddTab("Testata", "LayoutNoTab")
TabHost1.AddTab("Articoli", "Layout")
it work great.

Any help is appreciated
Thanks in advance


  • Problem XmlLayoutBuilder TabHost.zip
    11.9 KB · Views: 150
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