unfortunately I still have problems when I use callsub for read properties to another class module.
In my project I use one class only and I use another class when I load a collection of classes through DB.
In the module "CLMeteoAppDBLocalita" I use CallSub to read a property, in this case the ID property
If I compile in release mode the app work correctly but if I compile in release obfuscated mode the app retrieve this error: sub:clmeteoappdblocalita_vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv7 (java line:242)java.lang.Exception: Sub getidtype was not found.
I Use this method because in other situations I have several class that has the same properties for the efficient loading of the DB and only DB class for load all classes.
Can you help me?
unfortunately I still have problems when I use callsub for read properties to another class module.
In my project I use one class only and I use another class when I load a collection of classes through DB.
Dim DB As CLMeteoAppDBLocalita
If DB.IsInitialized Then
Dim MAL As CLMeteoAppLocalita
MAL.DBOrder = "loc_localita"
Localita = DB.LoadCollection(MAL)
For i = 0 To Localita.Size -1
MAL = Localita.GetValueAt(i)
Cities.Add(MAL.Localita & " (" & MAL.Provincia & ")")
End If
In the module "CLMeteoAppDBLocalita" I use CallSub to read a property, in this case the ID property
Dim sType As String = CallSub(oElement, "Get" & Field & "Type")
If I compile in release mode the app work correctly but if I compile in release obfuscated mode the app retrieve this error: sub:clmeteoappdblocalita_vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv7 (java line:242)java.lang.Exception: Sub getidtype was not found.
I Use this method because in other situations I have several class that has the same properties for the efficient loading of the DB and only DB class for load all classes.
Can you help me?