Hello everybody!
I recently upgraded B4A from Ver. 1.8 to 1.9.
Under version 1.9 compilation and even debugging works fine.
But when I run compilation (Key "F5") I get this error message:
Compiling code. 0.08
Compiling layouts code. 0.00
Generating R file. 0.00
Compiling generated Java code. Error
B4A line: 64
End Sub
javac 1.6.0_21
src\limbsoft\b4a\icycube\main.java:350: StartDebugging(anywheresoftware.b4a.BA,int,int[]) in anywheresoftware.b4a.debug.Debug cannot be applied to (anywheresoftware.b4a.BA,int,int[],java.lang.String)
Debug.StartDebugging(mostCurrent.activityBA, 9646, new int[] {3, 17, 6}, "86fd600b-554a-4727-86c6-7481edaf342b");}
1 error
Line 64 just keeps this tiny code:
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
But when I press key sequence "ALT + 2" or if I set mode from "Debug" to "Release" I get this:
Compiling code. 0.08
Compiling layouts code. 0.00
Generating R file. 0.00
Compiling generated Java code. 1.06
Convert byte code - optimized dex. 0.94
Packaging files. 0.36
Generated file: C:\Projekte\Android Programs\icyCube\Objects\bin\temp.ap_
Completed successfully.
So I suppose, that there is no code error but something must go wrong in debugger
I recently upgraded B4A from Ver. 1.8 to 1.9.
Under version 1.9 compilation and even debugging works fine.
But when I run compilation (Key "F5") I get this error message:
Compiling code. 0.08
Compiling layouts code. 0.00
Generating R file. 0.00
Compiling generated Java code. Error
B4A line: 64
End Sub
javac 1.6.0_21
src\limbsoft\b4a\icycube\main.java:350: StartDebugging(anywheresoftware.b4a.BA,int,int[]) in anywheresoftware.b4a.debug.Debug cannot be applied to (anywheresoftware.b4a.BA,int,int[],java.lang.String)
Debug.StartDebugging(mostCurrent.activityBA, 9646, new int[] {3, 17, 6}, "86fd600b-554a-4727-86c6-7481edaf342b");}
1 error
Line 64 just keeps this tiny code:
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
But when I press key sequence "ALT + 2" or if I set mode from "Debug" to "Release" I get this:
Compiling code. 0.08
Compiling layouts code. 0.00
Generating R file. 0.00
Compiling generated Java code. 1.06
Convert byte code - optimized dex. 0.94
Packaging files. 0.36
Generated file: C:\Projekte\Android Programs\icyCube\Objects\bin\temp.ap_
Completed successfully.
So I suppose, that there is no code error but something must go wrong in debugger