sub global
Private scrv1 As ScrollView
Private img_receita As ImageView
Private svw_phone As ScrollView
Private panel_phone_receita As Panel
end sub
sub add view
' Dim svw As ScrollView2D
' svw.Initialize(100%x,100%y,"svw")
' svw.Panel.LoadLayout("receita_phone")
' svw.Color= Colors.Transparent
' svw.FullScroll(2,True,True)
' svw.ScrollbarsVisibility(True,True)
' svw.Height = 10000
' Activity.AddView(svw,0%x,0%y,100%x,1000)
svw_phone.Height = 10000
'Dim p As Panel
'p= svw_phone.Panel
I have a panel more larger than the Activity so i tried put in a scrollview and nothing happen olny my first spot show up I can´t scrolled to rest of the panel in horizontal way.
Thanks for help