Android Tutorial Protect your Android application with the Licensing library


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Finally, I managed to made it worked.

Can we determine when users checked a license, it is checked from google server or from a cache?


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How long this cache last? On my case, it I was only a few minutes.

Found out that Google used play strore app to connect or checked cached. Blocked this app & you will find that licensing is always return to Don't allow, even device has internet connection.

I suspect, different version of play store could behave differently.


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I have another app on the same device, Trickster mod, this app also use licensing from Google, but its cached last for at least a week.

I wonder why my app's cached only last for a few minutes.


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A problem arised...

When we run the app for the first time to check the lib Offline we get an invalid licence - that can make some sense.

If we run it with the wifi on, the licence is checked and we're in.

But if we run it again Offline in a tablet we get again an invalid key.
In a cell phone, however, it will run AS LONG we don't clear the cache. If we clear the cache we get again an invalid licence... This is happening to me.

Does anyone has this issue? I'm running an alpha version for the time being - can that be the reason?

Kind regards,



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Can you confirm if this library/Method is still current as a client has asked about implementing this!


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