Android Question question to barcode specialists


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I need to read aztec codes like that:
Correct text read from this barcode is:

Some time ago i tested (probably all) available libraries without success.
Is it now any free (or not very expensive) solution available in B4X?

Johan Schoeman

Licensed User
Longtime User
I need to read aztec codes like that:
Correct text read from this barcode is:

Some time ago i tested (probably all) available libraries without success.
Is it now any free (or not very expensive) solution available in B4X?
There are very few scanners that read Aztec codes bigger than about level 11 or 12. Aztec codes (in my humble opinion) are more complex than QR codes. I have not looked into the Zxing code to see up to what level of Aztec codes it supports. I have NeoReader on my phone and it can successfully read the Aztec code in the link that you have posted.
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Johan Schoeman

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Looking at the Java code of Zxing it seems to support decoding of Aztec codes up to (including) layer 22. Aztec codes can have up to 32 layers (155 X 155 modules). Read up on Aztec codes and see how many layers the Aztec code has that you have posted.
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Johan Schoeman

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Yours looks like 17 layers (if I counted correctly) so theoretically with a good image and a good camera on your device Zxing should be able to decode the Aztec code in your link. But you need clearly defined modules and a good camera on your device.
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Johan Schoeman

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Longtime User
Thank you for research! I tried Zxing without success, but i will check it again.
I have used an online Aztec code generator and recreated the Aztec code with your data to get a better contrast between black and white modules.

The Zxing project that I posted here (see new project and library in post #1 of that thread)

.....can read the below Aztec code (it has 17 layers and contains your data posted above)

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