I' m working on an applet where the PC sends commands to PHONE (make calls, send sms etc). This is based on Serial library.
I have the following problem:
When my Activity loses focus (Activity_Pause, because of an incoming call, opening another task by user or screen turning off) messages are not send but queued and waiting for Activity_Resume.
Then, the LogCat list is like this :
My question is,
Is it possible to keep the app live and continue listen in the background ?
Can i handle new messages when the screen is turned off?
Thank you
I' m working on an applet where the PC sends commands to PHONE (make calls, send sms etc). This is based on Serial library.
I have the following problem:
When my Activity loses focus (Activity_Pause, because of an incoming call, opening another task by user or screen turning off) messages are not send but queued and waiting for Activity_Resume.
Then, the LogCat list is like this :
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
sending message to waiting queue.
sending message to waiting queue.
running waiting messages (2)
[My Message #1]
[My Message #2]
** Activity (main) resume **
My question is,
Is it possible to keep the app live and continue listen in the background ?
Can i handle new messages when the screen is turned off?
Thank you