Hi All,
on a Raspberry Pi a SQLite webapp is running. During start, the database is created if not found BUT both sqlite db-wal and db-shm files are not created. Running the same webapp under Windows 8.1, both files are created. On the RPi SQLite 3.7.13 is running.
This is the code to create the files:
Any hint(s) appreciated.
on a Raspberry Pi a SQLite webapp is running. During start, the database is created if not found BUT both sqlite db-wal and db-shm files are not created. Running the same webapp under Windows 8.1, both files are created. On the RPi SQLite 3.7.13 is running.
This is the code to create the files:
If gSQL.ExecQuerySingleResult( _
"SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='" & TblScribblesName & "'") = 0 Then
'best mode for multithreaded apps.
gSQL.ExecNonQuery("PRAGMA journal_mode = wal")
' Add the columnname and type to the columns map
For i = 0 To TblScribblesColCount - 1
columns.Put(TblScribblesColNames(i), TblScribblesColTypes(i))
DBUtils.createTable(gSQL, TblScribblesName, columns, TblScribblesColNames(0))
AppLog("> Created Table: " & TblScribblesName)
End If
Any hint(s) appreciated.
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