Other Raspberry Pi


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I read so many articles claiming that the SD card of RPi is prone to physical corruption due to extensive read write operations in a commercial installation where the app is run for more than 6 hours. Is it true. I plan to develop B4j apps in RPi to be deployed in commercial environment.
Is there any other similar hw available without the corruption issue?


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How about Banana pi it is much powerful with a sata interface. Loads raspbian os. Anyone has used the board for B4j apps
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Longtime User
Is there any other similar hw available without the corruption issue

Just plug a hd/ssd to one of the USB-ports. Browse the www to boot it from that hd/ssd. I've used an older 80 GB IDE drive with a IDE2USB adapter with power supply. SATA will do, too (the adapter supports both. Price about 10€ including cables).

I've installed Apache & MySQL and did some heavy tests. Works like a charm.
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