B4J Question Business apps in Raspberry Pi


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May be this is naive. If apps written in b4j with features like sqlite (in the device), remote mysql database communications, text file handing and all views in the b4j designer will work in a raspberry pi as it is ? if not how to make it run in Rpi ?


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Not that Naive!

Yes, you can have Business apps, but beware that they should be Non UI or Server apps, because Javafx apps are not supported.

I recommend you this webpage look for the B4J tutorials -> RASPBERRY PI
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Taken from the webpage i recommended:

To note is that Oracle removed support for UI apps on the ARM Java in newer versions of Java.
The latest known version supporting UI apps on ARM boards, is Java 1.8.0_6.

Which means going forward, UI apps are not supported on ARM boards.

A possible workaround is to build a B4J Non-UI with Java jSwing Framework Components.
The jSwing components are defined in the Inline Java section.
Communication between the Inline Java code and the B4J code is via raiseevents.

These "B4J Non-UI UI" application also run under Windows. So when developing under Windows, then no issue to test.

Recommend to read the jSwing Tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/ #Example Projects Various HelloWorlds as a starter to learn B4J. Select folder NonUIwithSwingUI http://www.rwblinn.de/b4j/b4jhowto/examples/b4jhowtohelloworlds.zip Raspberry Pi UI Widgets Various small Apps developed with B4J and Inline Java [run also under Windows] http://www.rwblinn.de/b4j/b4jhowto/examples/b4jhowtowidgets.zip IoT TinkerForge RS232 Communication http://www.rwblinn.de/iot/tfrs232communication.htm

Also, you could look at ABMaterial that will run in a Rasp too.
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I did some tests (non-ui) with my RB's:

- calling my php/MySql webservers (HttpUtils)
- encryption (RSA 4096 and AES)
- some libs

Speed: very good (did not measure but it's like my pc)

In words: B4J is made for the RB's and (except of the "missing" UI which is not related to B4J) it should be the standard sdk for it.
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