I am accessing a Ms SQL Server database using RDC.
I am attempting to read data using a stored procedure.
My Code for calling the stored procedure:
My entry in the server Config file:
Running the above, I get only the column names and not the data:
Using Ms Server Manager, I can obtain all the data using the following statement:
Is my syntax in the server Config incorrect
Or is there something major that I am overlooking?
I am attempting to read data using a stored procedure.
My Code for calling the stored procedure:
Sub GetTestYesterday
Dim cmd As DBCommand
cmd.Name = "get_test"
cmd.Parameters = Array As Object("Yesterday")
reqManager.ExecuteQuery(cmd, 0, "GetTest")
End Sub
sql.get_test = [Reports_Mobile_SalesBasketSummary] @Period = N'?'
Running the above, I get only the column names and not the data:
HandleJob: 11
Tag: GetTest, Columns: 8, Rows: 1
TodaysSales NumberOfItemBought NumOfSales AverageBasketTotal ItemsPerbasket TotalCost GP MyPrice
0.0000 0.00 0 0.0000 0E-13 0.0000 null 0.0000
Using Ms Server Manager, I can obtain all the data using the following statement:
[dbo].[Reports_Mobile_SalesBasketSummary] @Period = N'Yesterday'
Is my syntax in the server Config incorrect
Or is there something major that I am overlooking?
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