Hi all,
This is my first post to your forum.
I'm looking forward to building an application from the description below. It
may get a little detailed, so bear with me, as I want to make sure that the
app can do what I'm wanting...
I'm interested in developing an application that could read a web page (which is
text based only) down to the device, then parse the HTML source. The resultant
content is a list of MonthName and Year.
(This data does exist in the HTML source in a format that the program does not
have to build)
An item from this list I call a Period.
This list could be placed into a combobox or a grid.
The user would then select one of the Periods from the list. The application
would then build a URL address from a predefined web address and the Period.
This builds a URL, of which the web page would be downloaded.
The application would then need to parse that web page and extract elements from
3 Elements: Subject, Author, and HTML Reference Number.
The program would then build and place that list into a grid.
The HTML Reference Number is to be hidden in the grid.
The user would then select a line in the grid and the program would read the
selected line and extract the elements from the it: Subject, Author, and HTML
Reference Number. This number is appended to the predefined URL, which is then
downloaded and parsed. The result is the message content, which would have to be
displayed on another form.
Out of all this, I see about 2 or 3 forms to display all the resultant web page
Q: is all this possible with Basic4Android?
Mark Stuart
This is my first post to your forum.
I'm looking forward to building an application from the description below. It
may get a little detailed, so bear with me, as I want to make sure that the
app can do what I'm wanting...
I'm interested in developing an application that could read a web page (which is
text based only) down to the device, then parse the HTML source. The resultant
content is a list of MonthName and Year.
(This data does exist in the HTML source in a format that the program does not
have to build)
An item from this list I call a Period.
This list could be placed into a combobox or a grid.
The user would then select one of the Periods from the list. The application
would then build a URL address from a predefined web address and the Period.
This builds a URL, of which the web page would be downloaded.
The application would then need to parse that web page and extract elements from
3 Elements: Subject, Author, and HTML Reference Number.
The program would then build and place that list into a grid.
The HTML Reference Number is to be hidden in the grid.
The user would then select a line in the grid and the program would read the
selected line and extract the elements from the it: Subject, Author, and HTML
Reference Number. This number is appended to the predefined URL, which is then
downloaded and parsed. The result is the message content, which would have to be
displayed on another form.
Out of all this, I see about 2 or 3 forms to display all the resultant web page
Q: is all this possible with Basic4Android?
Mark Stuart