Reading SMS without SMSIntercepter


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is it possible to read an incoming sms without using SMSIntercepter as my HD2 does not work with SMSIntercepter.



Active Member
Licensed User
I've a library who read any sms (Trash box, unread box...)
If I re find it I'll upload...
I've simplifed the library so maybe you'll don't understand... I'll try to write a help file in same time...
There'll be 2 library but only one will can be used on your project...


Licensed User
Longtime User
I've a library who read any sms (Trash box, unread box...)
If I re find it I'll upload...
I've simplifed the library so maybe you'll don't understand... I'll try to write a help file in same time...
There'll be 2 library but only one will can be used on your project...

Thanks that would be great .


Active Member
Licensed User
Sorry for the late, I'll try to post the library soon... I've to do several things in same time...