Reading the last line only of a CVS file from a widget


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I not sure how to go about this and could use a helpful pointer to get me in the right direction.
I have created a csv file in my main application which I'm able to add and remove lines from it if needed and is displayed in a scrollview table.

I have a Widget that would need to read and write entries into the csv file.
First I need to be able to read the last line in the cvs file. Afterwards I parse specific data from it (the last line).

Question is how do I read the size of the cvs file so I can obtain what the last line is as a integer.
Then I need to read that line into a string variable so I can parse it afterwards.
Then after that is done I would need to append a new line to the csv file.

Can this be done?

Appreciate any help.


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Longtime User
Bryan .. maybe check this thread read random entry from csv

Read the cvs file to a list with StringUtils library, then determine the number of entries.
numEntry = List1.Size
myVariable = List1.Get(numEntry -1)

Then just add another line to the list , finally write the list back to file with StringUtils.

hope it helps
Cheer mj
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B4X founder
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You can also use StringUtils.LoadCSV. It will parse the complete file. You can then add a new row to the list and save it.

However I recommend you to use a SQLite database instead. CSV format is more useful when you need to load some data or save some data. If you need to modify existing data then a real database is much easier to work with.
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