Reading/Writing Reg keys with extention in name


Licensed User
Start MRU

In wm6.5, the start menu has all the link files listed in registry as keys like this and then these keys have values for : icon, rank, etc.
I'm having trouble accessing the registry keys that are named similiar to this:

I need to access values within like these:

"rank" is the list order for how start menu items are displayed and I'm writing a configuration app for rearranging the start menu easily.

If the key has then ".lnk" extention in name, then I get an error, other keys for start menu folders("Games","Tools", etc) I have no problems with. This is a sample line of how I'm reading the values.(they are dword) Ranks is a list box for listing the rank numbers, SubFolder is the list box of all available directories(.lnk variety) under the Start key. I place the normal start menu folders into a different arraylist when parsing subkeys of Start, and that part works fine using similiar code.


Is basic4ppc not able to read values in keys named with extentions or am I missing it? I use mortscript some and it reads the same keys without issues, but I don't like mixing mortscript in if I can help it.
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Licensed User
thanks for the reply, I tried a different approach(reading reg without using variable) and it worked, so it must be an error caused by my variable that I need to track down.


Licensed User
Thanks, another question. Is there a way to access the wm start menu mru to get a list of recent apps? I would like to be able to add the recent apps into start menu of wm6.5 to make it more user friendly. I can manage adding them, but need a way to access the list.:confused: