Android Question Red Border On App


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When running my app it sometimes displays a red border around the edge of the screen. It appears more often and for longer on older devices.

I have Googled this and apparently it can be deactivated by turning Strict mode off under developer settings. I do not have this activated.

Any ideas how to get rid of this? I don't see it on other apps I have downloaded.


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Not in this case. I have a couple of phones none of which have the Developer options activated and it happens on each one. Not so much the Galaxy Note 2 but certainly on the HTC running Android I.C.S. In fact a client also reported this red border appearing on each change of activity on his Galaxy S4. I got him to reboot his phone and the red border went away.
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This warning may display even if developer options are not set.

I am using the Google Nexus and, with the 4.2 update, the Developer options disappeared and had to be specifically enabled but even before I did that, ccassionally some program on my phone that usually runs normally would cause this red border to flash on for a few seconds - presumably the phone has something running that slows it down for a few seconds, resulting in the border flashing.

Since this is an indicator for developers that an operation slows down the main thread, maybe the thing to do is to look at the program and see what might be causing the slowdown (don't treat it as a system bug, treat it as a program warning).
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