I'm using B4A 6.5 beta#3
I have a question regarding the release/debug mode
my application first load the main layout
when click the button, the activity load another layout
and follow by some image and button adjustment
There is no error occur when using debug mode,
But when come to release mode, the Error exception pop out"Object should first be initiallized(Button)"
Both image and button are initialized in the designer right?
The image shown properly without error.
But the button didn't shown when i press Continute?Yes.
Looking for solution.
Thank you.
I'm using B4A 6.5 beta#3
I have a question regarding the release/debug mode
my application first load the main layout
and follow by some image and button adjustment
Image_login.Height=Activity.Height/2 + 20dip
Image_login.Top = Activity.Top
Image_login.Left =Activity.Left
Button_login.Top = Image_login.Height
Button_login.Width = Activity.Width
Button_login.Height = Activity.Height/8
Button_login.Left =Activity.Left
There is no error occur when using debug mode,
But when come to release mode, the Error exception pop out"Object should first be initiallized(Button)"
Both image and button are initialized in the designer right?
The image shown properly without error.
But the button didn't shown when i press Continute?Yes.
Looking for solution.
Thank you.