Wish Release mode in pull down list


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I have a little question for a very long time..
in B4A, we can see "Debug", "Release", in the pull down list but in B4I, why only Debug?

It's not very important but like to have the option in B4I to save some few clicks : )




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Release mode in B4i is less useful during development.

1. There are no logs.
2. Each deployment requires a full compilation and manual installation.
3. The assets files are included in the IPA which means that the whole process is slower (can be a lot slower if there are many files).

This is why Release mode is not listed there. Note that you can use the keyboard shortcut: Alt + T + B + R.

Deleted member 103

Release mode in B4i is less useful during development.

1. There are no logs.
2. Each deployment requires a full compilation and manual installation.
3. The assets files are included in the IPA which means that the whole process is slower (can be a lot slower if there are many files).

This is why Release mode is not listed there. Note that you can use the keyboard shortcut: Alt + T + B + R.
You're right, but the wish of Hypnos is not so bad.
You could get 3x click less. ;)
If this change is not too complex, then I would implement it.

This shortcut "Alt + T + B + R" I can not remember. :D



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In my case, most of my apps are used by myself only (won't publish to app store) and always in the state of development :p
So the "Build Release App" is the most frequently command : )