Remove SMS Limit


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Maybe you can help me with this. I am trying to remove the SMS limit. I found some information on the net but am having trouble getting it to work. to Increase the SMS Limit on AndroidIt keeps saying "No Such Table". Here is what I have so far.
SQL1.Initialize(File.DirInternal, "settings.db", True)
lblsendingto.Text =  SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT count(name) FROM gservices")


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According to the post. The database is /data/data/
How would I initialize this? Here is the info from the post.

Open Command Terminal and enter the following:
adb shell
sqlite3 /data/data/
Then you’ll see: sqlite>
To turn off the limit enter:
INSERT INTO gservices (name, value) VALUES(’sms_outgoing_check_interval_ms’, 0);
It worked right away for me.. (SMS Bomber >)) Id reboot to be safe.
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I have an app that will do this. I ran it with Logcat running. I attached the Logcat file with the piece I think is beneficial highlighted. But I could be wrong about the highlighted part.


  • SMS
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I tried the code below and it says unable to open file.
SQL1.Initialize("/data/data/","/data/data/", False)
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Maybe you should read the docs
Initialize (Dir As String, FileName As String, CreateIfNecessary As Boolean)
and then seperate the filename and the directory.
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I did. I just didn't put 2 and 2 together. I have tried the following with the same result. "Unable to open"
SQL1.Initialize("data/data/","settings.db", False)
SQL1.Initialize("/data/data/","settings.db", False)
SQL1.Initialize("data/data/","settings.db", False)
SQL1.Initialize("/data/data/","settings.db", False)
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I ran the following code and was able to create a database in the same folder as the settings database.
SQL1.Initialize("/data/data/","TEST.db", True)
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Ok. I went into root explorer and changed the permissions on settings.db. I will post another questions about how to change permissions.
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