Replace encoding UTF 8 by UTF 7


Licensed User
I have a CSV file encoded in UTF 7 (french specifications, like : Président). When i open the CSV (loadcsv), it looks be encoded in UTF8 (english specifications : no accent, like : Prsident).
How can i do to open my file saved in UTF 7 ?

Thank you very much for your help.

Have a nice sunday on our beautiful earth.:)


Licensed User
Hi Erel,
Yes, i can upload without any problem my csv.

Here's a example :
In Excel (or notepad) : dépense effectuée au profit de la collectivité

once uploaded in a combobox : dpense effectue au profit de la collectivit

I'll have to convert it many times. The csv file is updated by many desktops. In my project, i would want to update the csv file in my ppc once a week.


What do you think about this Doctor ?


Licensed User
Many thanks for your help Erel !

Here's a file made by Excel with 3 rows.

Attention, in fact, my file is a .rar file, not a .zip file ! ;)


B4X founder
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As I wrote Excel doesn't save the file in a proper encoding.
I guess that you see it right on your computer.
This is how I see it:

It probably shows some characters with the computer's default settings.
If you create the file with Notepad and save it as UTF8 it will work properly.


Licensed User
Thank you very much Erel !
Using a "really" text editor (notepad++), i could see that M$ Excel wasn't so good to update my CSV file for my app' !!

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