I cannot get an app that uses Activity.RerunDesignerScript("Layout1", 100%x, 100%y) to run when built with the Rapid Debugger.
The app compiles and runs with the expected behavior when compiled under Release or Debug(legacy) but using Debug(rapid) the app compiles and deploys correctly but always generates a Java error:
Error occurred on line: 35 (main)
mainafterFirstLayout (java line: 104)
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find view: label1
All views in script should be declared.
Layout1 is created in the designer and does have a view named Label1. I have declared it using the Designer Generate option as well as declaring it myself in Sub Globals. Label1 is never used in the code but is used in the designer script to position other views relative to itself (i.e. 5dip below Label1.Bottom.)
This happens using a Galaxy S3 or an emulated device.
The app compiles and runs with the expected behavior when compiled under Release or Debug(legacy) but using Debug(rapid) the app compiles and deploys correctly but always generates a Java error:
Error occurred on line: 35 (main)
mainafterFirstLayout (java line: 104)
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find view: label1
All views in script should be declared.
Layout1 is created in the designer and does have a view named Label1. I have declared it using the Designer Generate option as well as declaring it myself in Sub Globals. Label1 is never used in the code but is used in the designer script to position other views relative to itself (i.e. 5dip below Label1.Bottom.)
This happens using a Galaxy S3 or an emulated device.