Retrieve Device Parameters


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Hello Folks,

A program designed to retrieve various device data from the Pocket PC and to demonstrate the power of B4PPC plus the performance of libraries developed by B4PPC forum members.

The application is tested on Pocket PC 2003SE only. Please be so kind as to inform any problems with WM5/6 devices. For the time being, for the device only!

I welcome information about any additional parameters that could be retrieved. The source is included in the ZIP.



    116.1 KB · Views: 687


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I just have to say: :sign0098:

very nice functions, plain and nice program design

I'm just wonderin why it says Bluetooth/Wifi enabled for me - is it just that 1)Wifi/Bt is present, or if it's 2) really activated?
in case two it would be wrong


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Hi alfcen,

tested on my WM5 device it works ok with one exception:
The parameter "WiFi enabled" shows the value "yes", but my WiFi status was disabled. Or does the parameter mean WiFi available instead of enabled?

Anyway a very nice application :cool:



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Haisai mister Brenner,

Excellent utility!!! If you don't mind I'll use it as is in my applications.

Thank you very much.

I'll come back after further testing


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Hello everybody,

Never expected that much response on this example :)
Credit is also due to dzt and fillippo who provided additional dlls powering up Erel's B4PPC.

Yep, BT and WiFi are still a pain in the neck. The intention is to indicate whether both or either are hardware-wise built-in. I shall have to find a unique registry entry. Maybe someone is faster :)

Haisai dzt: absolutely no objection, two dlls in that app are your creations :)



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Hi folks,

I am a fool! I failed to include a list of running applications and processes which is a child's play to implement with dzt's dzhw.dll

Bekkan Beta 0.51 adds:
1. list of running processes each of which can be forced to close
2. list of running applications each of which can be forced to close
3. A battery level gauge at the top left of the Device Details screen
4. An icon at the top right of the Device Details screen which shows up when the device is online
5. An installer

And... the exe is still under 300KB!
The WiFi issue is not yet solved :sign0013:


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Hi Midtown Madness :)
WiFi and BT flags are intended to report presence of the relevant hardware, irrespective of engaged or disengaged. As reported above, the WiFi info is not reliable. Unfortunately, it returns "yes" on devices that have no built-in WLAN. Any ideas?


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Hi folks out there,

The latest version, attached hereto, adds:
1. new date format hopefully comprehensable to all regions,
2. running applications can be launched from the list,
3. warning if "shell32.exe" process is about to be closed (would warm boot the device).

That's all for now.

Any ideas about the WiFi (WLAN) issue?



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Hi folks,

The latest version Beta 0.53 adds:

1. IP Configurations
2. Detects ActiveSync connected or disconnected
3. WLAN issue probably solved (Pocket PC 2003)

I'm anxious knowing whether the new functions work with WM5/6 devices :)



    342.5 KB · Views: 467


Licensed User
Hi folks,

The latest version Beta 0.53 adds:

1. IP Configurations
2. Detects ActiveSync connected or disconnected
3. WLAN issue probably solved (Pocket PC 2003)

I'm anxious knowing whether the new functions work with WM5/6 devices :)

Interested to know how you got the ActiveSync status but this ZIP contains only a setup, not source code?


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The registry key ppp_peer is created upon synchronization and deleted as
the connection is closed. There may be a better way of implementation, but
this works so far:

Sub Globals
  Dim values(0)
End Sub

Sub App_Start
End Sub

Sub GetActiveSync
  values() = Reg.GetValue("Comm\TcpIp\Hosts\ppp_peer","ipaddr") 
  Return true
  Return false
End Sub