B4J Question rfid reader use with index.js


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how can i use index.js file with b4j. I wanto read tags with this js file.

var Parser = require('binary-parser').Parser;
var SerialPort = require('serialport');

function crc16check(pucY, ucX) {
var POLYNOMIAL = 0x8408
var ucI, ucJ;
var uiCrcValue = PRESET_VALUE;
for (ucI = 0; ucI < ucX; ucI++) {
uiCrcValue = uiCrcValue ^ pucY[ucI];
for (ucJ = 0; ucJ < 8; ucJ++) {
if (uiCrcValue & 0x0001) {
uiCrcValue = (uiCrcValue >> 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
} else {
uiCrcValue = (uiCrcValue >> 1);
return uiCrcValue;

var port = new SerialPort('com3', {
baudRate: 115200,
dataBits: 8,
stopBits: 1,
parity: 'none',
flowControl: false,
xon: false,
xoff: false,
rtscts: false,
bufferSize: 30,


var resFrameHeader = new Parser()

var resFrameTagData = new Parser()
.buffer('epcid', {
encoding: 'hex',
length: 12

var resFrameTagDataRT = new Parser()
.buffer('epcid', {
encoding: 'hex',
length: 12

var reqFrametagData = new Parser()

var framesBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
var frames = [];
var frame;
var frameSize = 0;

// Setup the port even `data` on arrival event handler
port.on('data', function(data) {

if (!data) {

framesBuffer = Buffer.concat([framesBuffer, data], framesBuffer.length + data.length);

frameSize = framesBuffer[0] + 1;

if (framesBuffer.length >= frameSize) {
//lets extract the frame (by size only)

//Create a frame
frame = Buffer.alloc(frameSize);
framesBuffer.copy(frame, 0, 0, frameSize);

// if crc16 return non zero value then the frame is invalid and we are better off droping it
if (crc16check(frame, frame.length)) {
frame = null;

//remove frame from buffer
framesBufferPendingSize = framesBuffer.length - frameSize
tempbuffer = Buffer.alloc(framesBufferPendingSize);
framesBuffer.copy(tempbuffer, 0, frameSize, tempbuffer.length);
framesBuffer = tempbuffer;


if (frame) {

var tags = Array();

* Parse the frame recived from RFID reader (compelete frame)
* @param {[type]} frame [description]
function parseframe(frame) {

var header = Buffer.alloc(4)
frame.copy(header, 0, 0, header.length)
var frameHead = resFrameHeader.parse(header);

var dataBody = Buffer.alloc(frame.length - (header.length + 2))
frame.copy(dataBody, 0, header.length, frame.length + 2);
if (dataBody.length > 3) {

if (frameHead.command == 1) { //Answer Mode
frameBody = resFrameTagData.parse(dataBody);

if (frameHead.command == 238) { //Real Time Inventory Mode
frameBody = resFrameTagDataRT.parse(dataBody);

if (tags[frameBody.epcid.toString('hex')]) {
} else {
tags[frameBody.epcid.toString('hex')] = 1;


//Starts Here
//get Info '04 FF 21 19 95'
//start inventory '06 00 01 04 ff d4 39' ---> 05 00 01 f8 69 0f

var buf = new Buffer('06000104ffd439', 'hex');
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