Android Question Root Access for android


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It might be a duplicated question, but i have read all that i could find in this forum and from google, yet still not able to understand the concept.

So I am playing with AOSP 13, and found it dont have Ethernet setting from Settings Menu, for I need to do Static / DHCP configuration .

Read from google, and try using ADB shell, I can execute "su" and "ifconfig". No problem there.

However when I want to make a small configurator app using B4A, I could not get root access using java "Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command)"

I have files for platform.x509.pem and platform.pk8, or any other files required, since I am compiling AOSP myself.

From this Post (, I need to signjar externally.
From this Post (, somehow i need to convert .pem and .pk8 to .JKS (correct me if I am wrong)

From B4A , there are #SignKeyAlgoritm, #SignKeyAlias, #SignKeyFile, #SignKeyPassword, yet I am not sure how to use it.

My goal is I want to make a configurator app for changing static / DHCP IP for Ethernet and Wifi.
If possibile, start from DEBUG app, to try all functions .
Then compile again to RELEASE app, and put the APK inside AOSP, then compile become new AOSP Image.

Can somebody teach me how to do it ?
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