Android Question Rooted android and cracking app


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If users root their phone , does they have acces to dir.internal ?
Can they modify the files I have created on dir.internal ?


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I´m not sure how it is on android specially but on an normal linux root have access to EVERY file on the system. That includes that root CAN modify files on dir.internal (if they are not encrypted)
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is there a way to determine if the android device is rooted ?
If it would be possible I would not let user use app at all and all headache is gone !
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is there a way to determine if the android device is rooted ?
If it would be possible I would not let user use app at all and all headache is gone !
That's not a good practice.
I had rooted my Galaxy S2 as well, because it's needed to run Firewall app and Titanium Backup. No other reasons.
And now you will forbid me to use your app?
This is the behavior from the big player we all doesn't like.
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Were there are people that makes concerned about security issues about using app, in-app billing features , encryption for safe reasons there are also people how try to brake safty rules.
I am trying to avoid some future problems when I will allow people to buy features or credit for my app which in case of masive fraud can cost me money as i have to pay myselft for other services , don't you think ??
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Were there are people that makes concerned about security issues about using app, in-app billing features , encryption for safe reasons there are also people how try to brake safty rules.
I am trying to avoid some future problems when I will allow people to buy features or credit for my app which in case of masive fraud can cost me money as i have to pay myselft for other services , don't you think ??
If you disallow rooted phones to run your app, then you're likely to receive a bunch of one-star. 1) because people won't understand (what will be your explanation? "I don't know how to protect your personal data so I ban you from my potential users") 2) because some devices are rooted by default. For example, my chinese 10" tablet have no unrooted firmware; it is delivered already rooted.
I agree with MaFu, you're doing the wrong choice. And moreover this "protection" is a bit strange. If I can download the APK (and you can't prevent this), I can decompile it and, for example, remove the limitation for rooted devices.
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