Android Question Rotate 90° image saved

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
hi how can i rotate my bmp saved in my device and dont lost quality?
i only need rotate this
i m using the RSImageProcessing to rotate and later i save this but it save with a very bad quality

have another way to rotate image?

native android method to rotate and save later rotated?

    Dim bmp As Bitmap
    Dim rbmp As RSImageProcessing
    Dim casa As String
    Dim exif As ExifData

    bmp.Initialize(FP, "1.jpg")
    exif.Initialize(FP, "1.jpg")
    casa =  exif.getAttribute(exif.TAG_ORIENTATION)
    If casa = 6 Then
    exif.setAttribute(exif.TAG_ORIENTATION, 1)
    If bmp.width>bmp.height Then     
    bmp = rbmp.Rotate(bmp, 90)
    rbmp.writeBitmapToFile(bmp,FP ,"1.jpg", 100 )


Licensed User
Longtime User
use @Informatix 's lib bitmapplus.

Dim b as bitmap plus

Let's say your bitmap is named original

newFile = b.Rotate(Width, Height, Angle, True)

Angle will be 90 or whatver you need. True is for antialiasing. It will look good.

Hope it helps.
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