B4R Library rRF24xt ... an extended library for nRF24L01+ radio modules

I wanted to be able to send a single broadcast transmission to several receivers and change the RF channels. No handshakes or acknowledges. To do this I needed more detailed set up and control of the nRF24L01+ modules.

I started with the rRF24 library published by Erel. I have revealed several more of the functions available from the RF24 GitHub project through to the B4R IDE including access to the full 5 byte address for Rx/Tx packets. The included XML also contains comprehensive information for all functions made available through the pop-ups in the IDE.

Probably, one of the most useful functions for me was "PrintDetails()" which reads the current settings from the registers in the RF24 module itself. A great tool to verify SPI communications and get things going.

I did my testing on the ESP8266 based WEMOS-D1 and NODEMCU modules. I don't have regular Arduino hardware. It would be good if other users could post confirmations when using this library on other mcu hardware.

To show backward compatability and the available new functions, the example below uses my rRF24xt library to communicate with devices programmed with the original rRF24 library example provided by Erel.

You may need to play around with this example a bit as although I wrote it, I don't have any MEGA or UNO hardware, so I haven't tested this specific example.

#Region Project Attributes
    #AutoFlushLogs: True
    #CheckArrayBounds: True
    #StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private rf24 As RF24xt
    Private const MEGA = 1, UNO = 2 As long
    Private raf As RandomAccessFile
    Private ep As Wemos_D1_R2_Pins
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
    rf24.Initialize(ep.D4, ep.D8, "rf24_NewData")
    rf24.SetGroupID(0xAB)   'high byte of address (for both TX and RX)
    rf24.SetDataRate(1)   '0=250kbs, 1=1Mbs, 2=2Mbs
    rf24.SetRetries(15,15)  'NB: only required if UseAutoAck(True)
    rf24.SetPower(0)    'low Tx power
     '0xABCDABCD00 is the address used by original RF24 library (plus 1 or 2)
    rf24.OpenReadingPipe(0xCDABCD00 + UNO)
    rf24.OpenWritingPipe(0xCDABCD00 + MEGA)
    rf24.Sleep(False)   'NB: Sleep(True) .. power-down RF24 module
    rf24.PrintDetails   'read the registers in the RF24 module and output to log
End Sub
Sub rf24_NewData (Data() As Byte)
    raf.Initialize(Data, True)
    Log("UNO Millis: ", raf.ReadULong32(raf.CurrentPosition))
End Sub

This example requires inclusion of libraries; rCore, rESP8266extras, rRandomAccessFile, rRF24xt

Here is my rRF24xt library for download.

Now updated to v1.02
See postings below for details on changes.


  • rRF24xt v1-02.zip
    37.5 KB · Views: 584
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Updated my rRF24xt library to v1.02
Available for download from the original top post.


When used with Auto Acknowledgements turned off it is a common practise to send a data packet multiple times to assure its delivery. This is a Brute Force method of using the nRF24.
Unfortunately, when the receiving MCU is momentarily busy (not polling for its incoming events), eg. say executing a Delay() function, it is possible for the hardware receiver in the nRF24 to be over-run with too many data packets for its buffers. In my case this was causing the occasional LOCKUP of the data receiver, no longer able to receive further data packets.

To help with the management of this situation the Write Function has been altered.
If NO auto acknowledgements mode is being used, then the data receiver is now reset on completion of the packet transmission to clear any pending over-run.
NB: the Write function still works as before when Auto Acknowledgement mode is Enabled.

and also added a new functions:
ResetRx ... which can be used following any holdup in mainline event handling, say after a Delay() is executed.
SetPower() ... allows the Tx power level to be set. (I have damaged modules next to each other testing at full power on the bench, can now use low power)