Android Question RSA-generated Keystore file


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I am trying to create an RSA-generated Keystore file.
I followed the instructions from the tutorial
Got the following error:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.1\bin

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.1\bin>keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias b4a
Enter keystore password:
Re-enter new password:
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: Cenny Breeman
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: Clino
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: Breeman
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: Lanaken
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: L
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: BE
Is CN=Cenny Breeman, OU=Clino, O=Breeman, L=Lanaken, ST=L, C=BE correct?
[no]: y

Generating 2.048 bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA256withRSA) with a validity of 10.000 days
for: CN=Cenny Breeman, OU=Clino, O=Breeman, L=Lanaken, ST=L, C=BE
[Storing my-release-key.jks]
keytool error: my-release-key.jks (Toegang geweigerd) my-release-key.jks (Toegang geweigerd)
at java.base/ Method)
at java.base/
at java.base/<init>(
at java.base/<init>(
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.1\bin>
No need to follow that tutorial now.
The IDE uses/generates RSA Keys Now. Make sure you are using latest B4A IDE v11+.
Then go to Tools->Private Key and create new keys by filling in your details.


Licensed User
Longtime User
c:\program files is not writable (by you). the jdk needs to be in c:\java (or somewhere else writable).
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Active Member
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Longtime User
No need to follow that tutorial now.
The IDE uses/generates RSA Keys Now. Make sure you are using latest B4A IDE v11+.
Then go to Tools->Private Key and create new keys by filling in your details.
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