run apps in chrome browser. arc welder

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Not bad, not bad at all. Some of my apps fire up :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Looks promising...

I can launch my B4A app locally (on Windows) using ArcWelder.

But... two major problems I have encountered so far:

I have not been able to get (GCM) push notifications working, even after following this guide.
The GCM register function seemingly never returns a registration ID nor an error....
If anyone is successful in getting push notifications working, please let me know!

Also, I went ahead and published my app to the Chrome Web Store and my store app listing displays this error message:

This application is not supported on this computer. Installation has been disabled. The following problems are detected:
  • This app runs only on Chrome OS


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Longtime User
Please someone explain how o use this new Google service..
1- does it need java knowledge?
2- Is it a recompile of the app.
3- how to start and you only have the apk?

Thanks in advance.


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No, Java knowledge is not required to run your app in ArcWelder.

From Google:

Getting Started with ARC
  • The App Runtime for Chrome (Beta), or ARC, lets you run your favorite Android apps on Chrome OS. By following these steps, you can try out the App Runtime for Chrome (Beta) during this Developer Preview.

    To test your app, you need three things:
    1. Your APK.
    2. PC, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook on Chrome Version 41+.
    3. The ARC Welder app.

    Test your app
    Open ARC Welder, attach your APK, and select your options. Click Launch App to test your app. When testing, file a bug if something doesn't work, or find us on Stack Overflow (tag: google-chrome-arc) for help.

    Upload your app
    In ARC Welder, click Download ZIP. Upload your ZIP file to the Chrome Web Store. See Publishing Your App for more details.

    Best practices
    When testing your APK on ARC, developers have passed along these helpful tips:
    • Use Tablet or Maximized for your form factor and Landscape for your orientation.
    • Be sure your app works well for touch and non-touch Chromebooks.
    • If you need to check if your app is running on Chrome OS, look for chromium as the android.os.Build.BRAND and android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.
    • Getting logs:
      • On a PC, you can get logs from your app by running'adbd') in the JavaScript console (chrome://inspect/#apps) and then running either adb logcat or adb pull /data/data/package_name/path/to/your/log.txt from the Android SDK tools.
      • On a Chromebook, where adb isn't available right now, run either'logcat') or'cat /data/data/package_name/path/to/your/log.txt') directly in the JavaScript console (chrome://inspect/#apps).
      • If the app crashes and you can't get logs using logcat, try collecting stdout and stderr from Chrome/NaCl. On ChromeOS, you can get these logs from chrome://system/ and expanding ui_log.
      • Javascript console logs sometimes contain relevant information. There are two contexts, the background page (chrome://extensions, enable Developer Mode, select app_main.html for your app), and the app window (chrome://inspect/#apps).
    • To enable Google Play services, read more.
    • Since ARC is in Beta, it doesn't support all of Google Play Services yet. However, here are some available APIs:
    • To ensure compatibility with all users, package and test your app on the Chromebook Stable channel.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks lte5000 for the information..
Still not being able to download Arc Welder because the link took my to download Google Chrome which I already have..
is there any direct link to the App.. in Google Play I found a welding job, lol


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I tested about ten apps and all work fine although most are a little awkward and simply not practical to play on a PC.
Still this is pretty cool... :cool: