I've tested two of my Android Apps as Chrome extensions (windows 8.1) and Hyperblox form Wonder and runs fine (Apps with animation, webviews, Sqlite, etc)
The installations process can be consulted at
http://lifehacker.com/how-to-run-android-apps-inside-chrome-on-any-desktop-op-1637564101 but basically is as Derek explains in Post#6
The best way I've found to "transform" an existing android apk to a chrome extension is:
- Installing the apk that you want to run as Chrome extension on android device (or emulator-- avd,genymotion,etc)
- Install Archon Packager from Google Play
- Run Archon Packager and select the desired apk to run as extension (Archon Packager will adapt the apk to Chrome extension format creating a zip file)
- Share this file to your computer and unzip on a directory
- In Chrome extensions, load this apk selecting Unpackaged extension
Obviously, some people could use this tool in a wrong way but I find several cases that can be very usefull (as developer and as final customer)