If you build an app which uses a larger form you might have realized this by pairs of labels and edittexts. The label ist used for the description (f.e. "Name") and the edittext will contain the correspondig data ("Smith").
Having 10 or more pairs is sometimes annoying to handle (or you are lazy like me). So here I will show how to do this automatic.
This may be done in many ways but here you just call the sub's. Everything else is done automatically.
- a small loop gets all views of a scrollviews' panel (could be anything else containing labels and edittexts)
- assuming you always have a matching pair of label & edittext, all the pairs are stored in a String
- this string will be written to a file (here I use randomaccess including a password)
- the JSON string is read from the file
- a loop gets all the views
- if it finds a label, the text will be used to get the matching pair in the JSON string
- example: If label.text is "Name" then "Name" will be searched in the JSON structure and it returns the value behind it
- the value will be put back again to the edittext
- cool: the textsizes are set to the optimal value
Having 10 or more pairs is sometimes annoying to handle (or you are lazy like me). So here I will show how to do this automatic.
This may be done in many ways but here you just call the sub's. Everything else is done automatically.
- a small loop gets all views of a scrollviews' panel (could be anything else containing labels and edittexts)
- assuming you always have a matching pair of label & edittext, all the pairs are stored in a String
- this string will be written to a file (here I use randomaccess including a password)
Sub save_filled
Dim et As EditText, lbl As Label
Dim JSONMap As Map
For i=0 To sv.Panel.NumberOfViews-1 Step 2
If sv.Panel.GetView(i) Is Label Then
End If
If sv.Panel.GetView(i+1) Is EditText Then
End If
Dim JSONGenerator As JSONGenerator
Dim jsonstring As String
Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
raf.Initialize(MyPath, MyFileName&".fil", False)
raf.WriteEncryptedObject(jsonstring, "Password", raf.CurrentPosition)
End Sub
- the JSON string is read from the file
- a loop gets all the views
- if it finds a label, the text will be used to get the matching pair in the JSON string
- example: If label.text is "Name" then "Name" will be searched in the JSON structure and it returns the value behind it
- the value will be put back again to the edittext
- cool: the textsizes are set to the optimal value
Sub load_filled
Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
Dim Jsonstring As String
raf.Initialize(MyPath, MyFileName&".fil", False)
Jsonstring = raf.ReadEncryptedObject("Password", raf.CurrentPosition)
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim fmap As Map
fmap = parser.NextObject
Dim lbl As Label, et As EditText
For i=0 To sv.Panel.NumberOfViews-1 Step 2
If sv.Panel.GetView(i) Is Label Then
If sv.Panel.GetView(i+1) Is EditText Then
SetEditTextSize(et, et.Text)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub SetEditTextSize(ex As EditText, txt As String)
Dim dt As Float
Dim limit = 0.5 As Float
Dim h As Int
Dim stu As StringUtils
ex.Text = txt
ex.TextSize = 72
dt = ex.TextSize
h = stu.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(ex, txt)
Do While dt > limit OR h > ex.Height
dt = dt / 2
h = stu.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(ex, txt)
If h > ex.Height Then
ex.TextSize = ex.TextSize - dt
ex.TextSize = ex.TextSize + dt
End If
ex.TextSize=ex.textsize *0.8
End Sub