I use this code to save and open my file
Thats ok but is there a chanse to get the textfile in same order when it been open in a textreader?
I use this code to save and open my file
Map1.Put(("Verdier for veke "&(lagreveke)),"" )
Map1.Put("Din Bmi ","" &Round(bmi) )
Map1.Put("Din makspuls ",""& Round(svar1) )
Map1.Put("Din fitnesindex",""& Round(svar))
Map1.Put("Din fitneskatt.","" & EditText11ukk.Text)
Map1.Put("Pulssone lett",""& (Round(lett1) & " " & Round(lett2) ))
Map1.Put("Pulssone AT",""& (Round(at1)& " " &Round(at2)))
Map1.Put("Pulssone vo2m",""& (Round(vo1)&" " &Round(vo2)))
Thats ok but is there a chanse to get the textfile in same order when it been open in a textreader?