Hi All
I have a screen capture image but don't know how to find it.
I found this code in the B4J HowTos files using Java Oblects and it appears to work. However it appears to store the result in an array, not being up on JO I am at a loss to recover the image to save to a folder.
Any advice appreciated.
Regards Roger
I have a screen capture image but don't know how to find it.
I found this code in the B4J HowTos files using Java Oblects and it appears to work. However it appears to store the result in an array, not being up on JO I am at a loss to recover the image to save to a folder.
Any advice appreciated.
Regards Roger
' Make the screenshot and create the PNG file
' Parameter:
' For the Screen set doscreen = True else App Window is captured
' Filename to store the image
Sub screenShot(doscreen As Boolean, filename As String)
Log("screenshot :: Start")
Log("Get Screensize...")
Dim joSZ As JavaObject
' To get the screensize use
' joSZ.RunMethodJO("getDefaultToolkit", Null).RunMethod("getScreenSize", Null))
Log("Create Rectangle...")
Dim joR As JavaObject
If doscreen = True Then
Log("For the Screen...")
'For fullscreen use:
joR.InitializeNewInstance("java.awt.Rectangle", Array(joSZ.RunMethodJO("getDefaultToolkit", Null).RunMethod("getScreenSize", Null)))
Log("For the AppWindow...")
' Get the form size
Dim wl As Int = MainForm.WindowLeft
Dim wt As Int = MainForm.WindowTop
Dim wh As Int = MainForm.WindowHeight
Dim ww As Int = MainForm.WindowWidth
Log("Dimensions: x,y,h,w: "& MainForm.WindowLeft & "," & MainForm.WindowTop & "," & MainForm.WindowHeight & "," & MainForm.WindowWidth)
' For the app window use:
'int x, int y, int width, int height
joR.InitializeNewInstance("java.awt.Rectangle", Array As Object(wl, wt, ww, wh))
End If
Log("Init the Robot...")
Dim joRobot As JavaObject
joRobot.InitializeNewInstance("java.awt.Robot", Null)
' To capture the screen use
' joRobot.RunMethod("createScreenCapture", Array(joR))
Log("Create the File...")
Dim joF As JavaObject
' Create the file instances for the files (the constructor)
joF.InitializeNewInstance("java.io.File", Array As Object(filename))
Log("Capture & Save the Image...")
Dim joWI As JavaObject
joWI.RunMethod("write", Array As Object(joRobot.RunMethod("createScreenCapture", Array(joR)), "PNG", joF))
Log("screenshot :: End")
End Sub
Private CFILE As String = "screenshot.png"
Sub btnScreenshot_Action
screenShot(True, CFILE)
End Sub
Sub btnAppshot_Action
screenShot(False, CFILE)
End Sub
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