I have used TableExampleV1_1_13_2D for populating records in table.this example works fine but when I scroll down the scrollview the last row of a table shows as duplicate.pls advise how to resolve this uses.
I have used TableExampleV1_1_13_2D for populating records in table.this example works fine but when I scroll down the scrollview the last row of a table shows as duplicate.pls advise how to resolve this uses.
Else If i = 2 Then '-------------------------------------> 'Checking Recordset DataType and based on that set columnwidth
For J = 0 To Cols.Length - 1
If Cols(J) = 135 Then
cWidth(J) = 80dip
Else If Cols(J) = 200 Then
cWidth(J) = 120dip
cWidth(J) = 65dip
End If
Dim Record(Cols.Length) As String
For J = 0 To Cols.Length - 1 '----------------------------------> ' Adding Rows
Record(J) = Cols(J)
End If
It did exist but there was a problem with the StatusLine update.Can u update Footer in Table (This is my sugesstion),So that we can easily summary for numeric column