I have ScrollView with Panel and Labels inside. I tested it on 3 devices and on one of them I have problem with scrolling. Panels are added in For Next from MSSQL database. Here is simplified code
Scrolling change AdrFromLbl, AdrToLbl height, but Nadpis1lbl (2,3) stay 30dip. Problem is only on Samsung Duos with Android 4.0.4
There is some syntax problem I think. I uploaded screen with and without scroll.
Thanks for answer
Sub Globals
Private Seznam_zakazek_List As ScrollView 'added by designer, so I don't have to add it again to Activity
End Sub
Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim response As String
Dim rows As List
If Job.Success = True Then
Select Job.JobName
Case "ListOrders"
response = Job.GetString()
rows = parser.NextArray
Dim Panel0 As Panel
For i = 0 To rows.Size - 1
Dim m As Map
m = rows.Get(i)
Dim Panel1 As Panel
Panel0.AddView(Panel1,0,0,98%x,150dip) 'adding 1 record to Panel0
Dim Nadpis1lbl, Nadpis2lbl, Nadpis3lbl, AdrFromLbl, AdrToLb As Label
Dim GD,AdrBgr,Panel1Bgr As GradientDrawable
Panel1Bgr.Initialize("TOP_BOTTOM", Array As Int(Colors.Black, Colors.Black))
GD.Initialize("TOP_BOTTOM", Array As Int(Colors.ARGB(192, 192,192,192), Colors.ARGB(192, 192,192,192)))
Panel1.Background = Panel1Bgr
Panel1.Top = Panel1.Top + 5dip
Panel1.AddView(Nadpis1lbl,3dip,3dip, 31.5%x,30dip) 'adding first label
Nadpis1lbl.Text= m.Get("proName")
Nadpis1lbl.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
Nadpis1lbl.Background = GD
Panel1.AddView(Nadpis2lbl,Nadpis1lbl.Width + 6dip,3dip,31.5%x,30dip) 'adding second label next to first
Nadpis2lbl.Text= m.Get("katName")
Nadpis2lbl.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
Nadpis2lbl.Background = GD
Panel1.AddView(Nadpis3lbl,Nadpis2lbl.Width + Nadpis2lbl.Left + 3dip ,3dip,31.5%x,30dip) 'adding 3. label next to 2.
Nadpis3lbl.Text= "dorucit XY"
Nadpis3lbl.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
Nadpis3lbl.Background = GD
AdrBgr.Initialize("TOP_BOTTOM", Array As Int(Colors.White, Colors.White))
Panel1.AddView(AdrFromLbl,3dip,Nadpis1lbl.Height + 5dip,47.5%x,37dip)
AdrFromLbl.Background = AdrBgr
AdrFromLbl.TextColor = Colors.Black
AdrFromLbl.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
Panel1.AddView(AdrToLbl,AdrFromLbl.Width+6dip,Nadpis1lbl.Height + 5dip,47.5%x,37dip)
AdrToLbl.Background = AdrBgr
AdrToLbl.TextColor = Colors.Black
AdrToLbl.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
PanelTop = PanelTop + AdrFromLbl.Height + Nadpis1lbl.Height + 10dip
Panel0.Height = PanelTop 'set ScrollView height
End Select
Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
ToastMessageShow("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage, True)
End If
End Sub
Scrolling change AdrFromLbl, AdrToLbl height, but Nadpis1lbl (2,3) stay 30dip. Problem is only on Samsung Duos with Android 4.0.4
There is some syntax problem I think. I uploaded screen with and without scroll.
Thanks for answer