It seems like it's quite an old issue, but it's still not solved and I can't get a Scrollview with EditTexts scrolling reliably when the Keyboard opens.
Attached is a small demo project with the current best workaround:
After resizing the ScrollViews inner Panel, you need to "requestLayout" + Sleep, but this is also not reliable and adds an unnecessary delay of a random length.
I think the main problem is that we don't know when the resizing of the inner Panel has actually finished, so that we can scroll after that.
Some stackoverflow answers suggests that you need to wait for the "onGlobalLayout" event and scroll only after that, which seems to make sense.
@Erel, Could you look at it and implement maybe a panel resize + scroll function that waits for the resize to finish?
Attached is a small demo project with the current best workaround:
After resizing the ScrollViews inner Panel, you need to "requestLayout" + Sleep, but this is also not reliable and adds an unnecessary delay of a random length.
I think the main problem is that we don't know when the resizing of the inner Panel has actually finished, so that we can scroll after that.
Some stackoverflow answers suggests that you need to wait for the "onGlobalLayout" event and scroll only after that, which seems to make sense.

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@Erel, Could you look at it and implement maybe a panel resize + scroll function that waits for the resize to finish?