Android Question Search in Tableview


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Hello !

Is there any way to search in a tableview.
In .net one can use the LinqToSQL Component.

I would like to explain what I want to do:
I have a tableview with data like this:

id name type
1 alfa 1
2 mercedes 1
3 fendt 2
4 iveco 2

I want to split this tableview into new tableviews, with the type as parameter:

table 1:
id name type
1 alfa 1
2 mercedes 1

table 2:
id name type
3 fendt 2
4 iveco 2

In .net net I have a listview, convert the listview to a datatable, and search with
LinqToSQLin in these table(s):
Dim query = From row In table.AsEnumerable() Where (row.Field(Of String)("type") = "2")