iOS Question SecKeychain Problem

abdarrahim talbi

Licensed User
I have this problem while building bridge :
Error: security: SecKeychainItemImport: MAC verification failed during PKCS12 import (wrong password?)
where should i find the correct private key ? what should i do if the password has been forgotten ?
also, when i enter the private key i got this problem : error: Missing private key for signing certificate. Failed to locate the private key matching certificate "iPhone Developer: Zoubair Chaachouh (2F74XW5ZQU)" in the keychain.
thanks in advance.
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abdarrahim talbi

Licensed User
that s the problem i have ! i need to run the application and build the bridge with the existing certificate ! because when i have created a new ones, i failed to update my app in itunes because it should be the same bundle id ! so i need to build the bridge with the existing certificates and keys ! what do you suggest ?
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abdarrahim talbi

Licensed User
i have created a new certificate and provisionning profile using the same bundle ID and still the same errors : Provisioning profile "provprof" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Developer: Zoubair Chaachouh (2F74XW5ZQU)"
when i connect to my account in , the name goes with another ID `Zoubair Chaachouh - CYRGN679BJ`
i have really got mad, can you please tell me whats wrong here ?
thank you i appreciate your support !
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