iOS Question SecKeychain error "Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found".


Licensed User
Hi to all,

need some help. Can't compile release versions due to "Error: security: SecKeychainDelete: The specified keychain could not be found". It's since october 20th. Till october 19th everything was fine. Were there any updates on Hosted Builder that forces me to update b4i as well? Still working on 6.50. It also makes no difference if im working with builder1 or builder2.

Any solutions? Thanks in advance!


Licensed User
Certificate is valid until 2021/05/25. There's the problem. Nobody has a clue why this error occurs. First we thought about certificates but everything is okay. Then we thought about updating B4i because maybe there was a change on the hosted server e.g. libraries. But as you say there wasn't. And it is absolutly strange thats it's possible to compile on a MAC but not on our MacBuilder or your hosted builder. Going back in Git changes also nothing. I'm going mad about this. ?
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Licensed User
It took a little bit because of too much team decisions to made but we tried now everything suggested here. Updated to B4i 6.80, generated new .crs, new certificates, new mobileprovision, checked plist entries... nothing changed. Still the same at all and error messages are changing depending to which builder I use .
Also it is still possible to compile directly on a MAC but not if using hosted builder.
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