Hi Guys,
I have three seekbars for R G B control of my lighting system. How can I build a string and to incorporate all of these values any ideas?
The string vdata needs the following formatting:
"All;custom;RVALUE;GVALUE;BVALUE;" The semicolons are parsed by hardware, the RGB values are
anywhere from 0 - 255.
This is my code so far:
Code in Activity:
Code in a module:
I have three seekbars for R G B control of my lighting system. How can I build a string and to incorporate all of these values any ideas?
The string vdata needs the following formatting:
"All;custom;RVALUE;GVALUE;BVALUE;" The semicolons are parsed by hardware, the RGB values are
anywhere from 0 - 255.
This is my code so far:
Code in Activity:
Sub Butt_Send_Click
Dim vdata As String
vdata = "All;custom;" += SeekRed.Value += ";" + SeekGreen.Value += SeekBlue.Value += ";"
End Sub
Code in a module:
Sub UDP_Command(vCommand As String)
Dim Packet As UDPPacket
Dim data() As Byte = vCommand.GetBytes("UTF8")
Packet.Initialize(data, Server_IP, Server_Port)
End Sub