Bug? Select Case problem


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See attached file in GetNumeralFromString(strHebrewLetter As String) As String
and set breakpoints to all lines.

strHebrewLetter contains strings which is matching up with Case but will not be triggered and gets reverted to Case Else?

Update: The Case values have hidden characters which is not visible. I originally had hebrew characters in the Case "" and replaced them with Hex values which is shown attached. Set your cursor before the second quotation mark after Case statement and hit backspace to remove the invisible character.


  • HebrewtoNumerals.zip
    8.9 KB · Views: 304
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I'm not sure that I understand. Do you think that there is a bug here? What are the exact steps to reproduce it?

Download the attachment above. Put the cursor behind the second quotation mark and hit the back space. it will not delete the character behind the quotation mark. example

Case "Testing"
The letter g will not be deleted on first attempt. You can check the attachment and try on all of those quotations.

To reproduce it add Hebrew characters in between the quotation and select it all and replace with any non Hebrew letters or numbers. Try setting the cursor behind the quotation mark and delete the first character on first attempt if you can.