Android Question Send data via Bluetooth


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel,
i have a doubt about use of Bluetooth.
i want to implement an app to send data to devices but implement only 1 side of the conection.
I use "serial1.Connect3(Address,11)" to connect with my device.
My question is, how i can to send a photo to the other devices when i am conected? Can i use syncstreams or not?

Thank you !!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Then, if im using the code of BTAutoPair (, and in the BtSerial_Connected event i put the next, it would be to send data to the other device?

Dim buffer() As Byte
        buffer = "This is an example".GetBytes("UTF8")

Because i am using this code and i cant send data to other devices. However, if i use the example of BluetoothIntent (, i can send data to the other device, but i have to touch the tablet to select the device to send the data, and i want to send the data automatically, without touch the device.
What do you think about this? is this posibble?
thank you and sorry for the trouble.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
ok.. sorry.. my question is:

if the devices are paired and conected, how i can to do to send data to the device? Because i try to send data with the code of the third post, but the device dont receive nothing.
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