Send text to other phone via internet


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi to all,

i try to send an text message to an other phone via internet. I don't want to use email or sms. I want do do my own program. It shoult be like a simple whatsapp.
But I don't have an idea how to strart?
Maybe someone can help me.


Licensed User
Longtime User
thank you for your answear,

but i don't realy understant how to send text from mobile phone to mobile phone with the push framework.
In the tutorial it sends form pc to device, but not in both directions.

I want to send text, image or video to an other mobile phone and this in both directions.
Is this possible with the push framework????

maybe you can help me.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel,

thank you for your answear, you do great work at this forum.

Thats realy not simple, I just wanted to know if there maybe is an esay way to do this like push framework.
I think I have to do it with PHP and SQL on server and than connet to server with mobile phone. Before I tried to do it with IP Adresses but there is a problem if the phones are not in the same network and the ip's changes.

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