I'm new to B4A and currently use the trial for 2 weeks (and like it so far.)
Now here my problem :
I have created some lables programmatically and now I try to use the sender object in Activity_touch.
I create the lables like this:
I was able to use sender in the label's click event.
So I know which label has trigegd a click event.
Now I need to determine which label has triggered the touch event.
But I get the following errors :
MyLabel not initialized / ActivityWrapper cannot be cast to android.widget.textview
This is what I've tried:
I'm new to B4A and currently use the trial for 2 weeks (and like it so far.)
Now here my problem :
I have created some lables programmatically and now I try to use the sender object in Activity_touch.
I create the lables like this:
For iLine = 0 To 2
For iColumn = 0 To 2
iCounter = iCounter + 1
Dim b As Label
'b.Initialize("label") 'All buttons share the same event sub
b.Initialize("Activity") 'Without this the touch_event didnt work at all...
b.TextSize = 30
b.Text = iCounter
Activity.AddView(b,offsetX + iColumn * (width + 10dip), offsetY + iLine * (width + 10dip), width, width)
So I know which label has trigegd a click event.
Now I need to determine which label has triggered the touch event.
But I get the following errors :
MyLabel not initialized / ActivityWrapper cannot be cast to android.widget.textview
This is what I've tried:
Sub Activity_Touch (Action As Int, x As Float, Y As Float)
Dim myLabel As Label
Select Action
Case Activity.ACTION_DOWN
myLabel = Sender <--"MyLabel not initialized" / "ActivityWrapper cannot be cast to android.widget.textview"
myLabel.Text = "I've been touched"
end select
end sub