I'm looking into B4J as a replacement for a server I've had running for many years now. I've deployed some B4J servers since it was introduced but none that needed to print. What are my options?
1. It needs to be a server (ie No UI).
2. It will be run on Linux, Mac and Windows machines.
3. It'll need to print from the server. Not send back to a client to print.
The options I've seen (please correct me if I'm wrong here) ...
A. PrintHTML. Problem: #2 above. Windows Only. Anything similar for Linux and Mac?
B. JavaFX8. Problem: #1 above. No UI. I have to have UI Nodes to print, right?
C. A companion B4J UI application that just acts as a print server... polling the B4J Server application for print jobs to print for it. I really hate this solution but it's the only thing I can think of right now.
1. It needs to be a server (ie No UI).
2. It will be run on Linux, Mac and Windows machines.
3. It'll need to print from the server. Not send back to a client to print.
The options I've seen (please correct me if I'm wrong here) ...
A. PrintHTML. Problem: #2 above. Windows Only. Anything similar for Linux and Mac?
B. JavaFX8. Problem: #1 above. No UI. I have to have UI Nodes to print, right?
C. A companion B4J UI application that just acts as a print server... polling the B4J Server application for print jobs to print for it. I really hate this solution but it's the only thing I can think of right now.