So far I am able to send the email I need to however, the string inside the raf is not being written to the body of the email. If you've any idea that'd be great. I have figured everything else out that was stopping it from being sent. Now I need the body to contain the text from the raf
raf.Initialize(File.DirDefaultExternal, "a12345.dat", False)
SMTP.Initialize("", 465, "[email protected]", "password", "SMTP")
SMTP.UseSSL = True
SMTP.To.Add (File.ReadString(File.DirDefaultExternal, "Email.txt"))
SMTP.Subject = "Passcode"
SMTP.Body = raf.ReadEncryptedObject ("random pass", raf.CurrentPosition)
SMTP.Body = "Your passcode has been changed to your recovery pw. This Email Is sent from an automated account. Replies will Not be seen. Please Contact the developer should you have any questions."