Several services and their notify icons


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Longtime User
HI, All

If an application has to use several services (internet, GPS, some hardware, database background updating...), and the user must be notified by any event from any of these services - how to use Notification for all these events kinds ?

All services must be always alive - does it mean that all must be Foreground with ALL ICONS in the tray ? Terrible if so...


Licensed User
Longtime User
But how to swap icons on a single notify?
>The image file should be manually copied to the following folder: source folder\Objects\res\drawable.

Notif1.Icon = "icon2", but if i place "icon2.png" into "Objects\res\drawable" of source codes - this file is deleted during re-compiling by B4A v.1.7.

EDIT: HA, "read only" flag on this file helps...;-) but it's non-documented trick :)
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