Android Question share android screen to smart tv


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How to launch from code to share the screen to the smarttv
Thanks :)


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Do you mean this?
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Well-Known Member
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Do you mean this?
not exactly, I don't need that much complexity or play video.
I only need to LAUNCH the SMARTVIEW android application so that the APP can be shared on the SMARTTV screen
(ussing intent or something like that)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't need that much complexity (...)
(ussing intent or something like that)
I don't think If you can do this in an easy way.
I would like to know too If is possible only use an intent.
I guess that you do need embbeded a chromecast or mirrorcast component inside the app to that worked.
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I use this option from samsung menu, and work perfectly to share my APP to TV
I want launch this option from app

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